There are guy movies and there are girl movies. I've decided that I'm going to go through all the movies I have ever watched and pick out a few that I think are "guy" or "girl" movies. Remember, this is my opinion of what guy/girl movies are...everyone's idea is pretty different. If anything it'll give you some ideas when you have no idea what to watch next and are tired of watching reruns. Why not use that Netflix account you're paying for and see these one of kind, ass-kicking heist films, provocative foreign flicks and genuinely original comedies every guy (and girl) should see. Because, yes, there's more to life than 'Dumb and Dumber".
1. Heist Flick: RIFIFI

The heist picture is a staple and almost none is better than Rififi, Jules Dassin's 1955 masterpiece. I have a sneaking suspicion that Ocean's whatever took some elements from this movie; Tony, a ruin of a man just out of jail, reassembles his old gang for one last job. It's the robbery of a fancy Parisian Jeweler whose jewelry is actually kinda bizarre. Anyway, it is filmed without a word or note of music; fantastically absorbing....the main tune that it plays will be stuck in your head for days. It's a classic and a must see.
2. Cool Britannia: CROUPIER

This movie launched actor Clive Owen's career. In case any of you don't know who Clive Owen is, well then I shall quickly tell you that he's in Sin City, Shoot 'em up, and Godsford Park (he's in other's I'm sure, but I can't think of any others at this moment). To give you an idea of his acting style, he was considered for the role of James Bond after Pierce Brosnan stopped being Bond. I think he would have been a very good Bond. He is very self-effacing, very precise in his acting. Everything-expression emphasis, moment- is there for a reason. He always withholds himself, to be indirect and suggestive...instead of doing something "dramatic". But this is not about Mr. Owen (though he does a wonderful job in this movie), it's about the film. It's about a disaffected casino worker, and is unbearably tense. Jack Manfred (Owen) plays an obsessive antihero, who methodically unbuilds his life, until nothing is his sick pleasure of violence and his clients' losses. It bombed in England, but did fairly well in the US. I'm still holding this on the back shelf as one of my favorite movies...simply because it's not. But it's a good destruction of character movie, and I prefer it over other movies *ahem* about Cuban drug lords.
3. Bloody Villian: THE LIMEY

I'll admit, I have such a hard time picking "the villain". I loved Kingsley in Sexy Beast, and Chigurh in No Country for Old Men, but they are not pre-2000....I'll have to settle with The Limey. Which is not just settling at all. Terence Stamp is an old and vengeance starved convict, barely able to form words or remember how normal people talk. This is old man's vengeance, and the character Wilson ('ll get it when you see it), has nothing to lose. A bouncer tries to kick him out of a cocktail party, so he throws the dude off a ledge. A guy won't give him a phone number, so he mashes his face against a desk. Directed by Steven Soderbergh before the Ocean's movies, with the beautiful and constantly bathing Amelia Heinle, and the ubiquitous Luis Guzman.
4. Buddy-Chummy: WITHNAIL & I

Two out of work actors are living in a pretty downward looking London. Their flat lacks heat, they have no money, and their twenties are almost over. Add weed induced paranoia and you have the mental state. They attempt to rest cure at a country cottage, where torrential rain and near starvation ensue, as well as the funniest episode of gay panic ever committed to film (remember Uncle Monty). But really the whole thing is too light and honest to really be about anything, except withnail himself. But that's plenty, since this eloquent, waster, supercilious, and selfish character, (Richard Grant) is as charming as he is insufferable. When the two friends say goodbye, you feel it's for the last time. You'll watch this one again and again

Two out of work actors are living in a pretty downward looking London. Their flat lacks heat, they have no money, and their twenties are almost over. Add weed induced paranoia and you have the mental state. They attempt to rest cure at a country cottage, where torrential rain and near starvation ensue, as well as the funniest episode of gay panic ever committed to film (remember Uncle Monty). But really the whole thing is too light and honest to really be about anything, except withnail himself. But that's plenty, since this eloquent, waster, supercilious, and selfish character, (Richard Grant) is as charming as he is insufferable. When the two friends say goodbye, you feel it's for the last time. You'll watch this one again and again
5. Road Movie: THE LAST DETAIL

It's a movie laced with Tourette-like profanity, and it's about two navy seamen transporting a petty thief to the brig. It was an early Jack Nicholson movie, and an Oscar nomination. They're planning a remake...about the Iraq War this time. Hmmmm...I'm not sure.
6. Modernist Noir Masterpiece: POINT BLANK

Lee Marvin...a hard, tough, and serious yet cool, dry and ironic action hero who preferred sitting around drinking scotch to begrudgingly kill the bad guy. A noble tough guy is betrayed by an organization of craven white collar crooks (there's a bunch of great bad guys here--john Vernon, Michael Strong, Carroll O'Connor). He kills his way up the corporate food chain to get his money. It's the ultimate individual-versus-corporation story. Naturally there's a woman, Angie Dickinson. Just to show you how cool this is, Marvin is 43 in the movie, silver hair, boozy deadpan face, unripped muscles....Dickinson slaps the unresisting Marvin until she tires; he then flops down on the sofa to channel surf.

Set in 1920's China, but made just as Vietnam was turning into America's new foreign-policy nightmare, the movie is the missing link between from here to Eternity and Apocalypse Now. It's an amazing movie showing a rosy-cheeked Candice Bergen, and what you'd never guess is that the director (Robert Wise) was fresh from The Sound of Music. Another thing to note is the amazing background and stage setup. Pauline Kael called it the "incredible task of re-creating ports and waterfronts and villages of China in 1926". It's the kind of scenery that makes you wish CGI had never been invented.
8. Cult Comedy: SAFE MEN

Few movies have failed quite as majestically as Safe Men. Despite having a pretty good cast. It centers on two small time musicians who are mistaken for safecrackers by the Jewish Mafia. Enough said. Go see it!
9. Psychological Thriller: STRAW DOGS

Violence and the "Brilliant but disturbing reminder that humans are still animals". That's how I would describe it. It's about this couple that move to rural England to escape the violence of America...only to find violence in themselves.
10. Mystery Thriller: THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH
I have to say that this movie holds a special place in my heart. I LOVE HITCHCOCK! I adore his movies. This is most certainly something that doesn't disappoint. Because my dad never did like us to watch TV, we had a pretty large assortment of movies. I used to watch this one over and over again like some sweet tune that hum for no real reason. Now the fact that I did the same for The Lord of the Rings cartoon is another matter. It's basically about this family vacationing in Morocco when they accidentally stumble on to an assassination plot and the conspirators are determined to prevent them from interfering. There's murder, kidnapping, hot women, funny accidents, and song birds. Plus you can play "find Hitchcock".
Well ladies and Gentlemen; this concludes part 1 of my new series....movies. I plan to eventually give you some more on "girl" movies, "dork" movies etc. etc. etc. Enjoy, and I'm telling you...go see them!
Well ladies and Gentlemen; this concludes part 1 of my new series....movies. I plan to eventually give you some more on "girl" movies, "dork" movies etc. etc. etc. Enjoy, and I'm telling you...go see them!
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