An apple a day makes Hermes Ok? I really do eat an apple every day, or at least some form of round fruit. But I usually just throw it in the depths of my bag and hope it's still ok when I go searching for it at three in the afternoon. Hermès doesn't think that's a great idea. In fact, they've gone so far as to develop a separate purse for my apple. They’ve just launched a new section on their website called, “travel the world of hermes”. You can watch videos, (some awkward but some with very good looking people), read illustrated storybooks and watch the computer add color to a blank silk scarf.
As you can see the slideshow below displays the granny-smith-apple-green, lambskin apple holder with stainless steel lining. And of course it comes with a horn-handled knife for snack time. A little apple shoulder purse might be adorable for a 12 year old’s allowance, but I’m guessing that this is just a bit out of an adolescent’s price range….and mine.

The Saudi king says: Let’s get Arab Muslims, Jews and Christians together in Riyadh and peacefully talk about God. Saudi top religious figure replies: Sure, but no Jews.
Police nab burglar playing dead at funeral home.
London marathon runners warned that, although they are allowed to carry a shield and a spear, they are not allowed to use them to hunt any cows they come across.
Kennedy had a stadium named after him. Reagan has an airport. Where will Bush have his name emblazoned? In San Francisco, it looks like that honor will go to a sewage plant.
Police investigating complains that a man placed a “get off my lawn” device on his home. And simply because I love you all, I have the clip right here too:
Man tries to cash check at bank, check bounces. Man decides the logical next step is to rob the bank.
After a traffic stop, police officers call registered owner of a car for verification. Owner promptly calls back and tries to buy crack.
She apparently talks to animals…it’s amazing what you hear when you’re connected to animals’ brainwaves. I wonder what my dog would say.
Interviews with billionaire publishers are generally pretty boring- until one starts talking about his fondness for whores, his crack addiction, and then confesses to killing a man.
Man discovers that “pretty” lady is a “strong” male. Pays him to leave. Also discovers his cell phone’s missing. Goes to cops to lay charges. Then it gets weird.
Man believes dead wife is contacting him from beyond the grave…on her mobile phone. She calls him, calls him anytime, calls him any day or night. Calls him…he’s a Blondie fan too
Problem: thieves are stealing flowers from graves
Solution: install a surveillance camera
New Problem: thieves steal surveillance camera
I was looking at a magazine the other day and I saw a beautiful picture of a flashy model, who was giving me the gorgeous model stare through the camera lens. And then I scrolled down....
After a traffic stop, police officers call registered owner of a car for verification. Owner promptly calls back and tries to buy crack.
She apparently talks to animals…it’s amazing what you hear when you’re connected to animals’ brainwaves. I wonder what my dog would say.
Interviews with billionaire publishers are generally pretty boring- until one starts talking about his fondness for whores, his crack addiction, and then confesses to killing a man.
Man discovers that “pretty” lady is a “strong” male. Pays him to leave. Also discovers his cell phone’s missing. Goes to cops to lay charges. Then it gets weird.
Man believes dead wife is contacting him from beyond the grave…on her mobile phone. She calls him, calls him anytime, calls him any day or night. Calls him…he’s a Blondie fan too
Problem: thieves are stealing flowers from graves
Solution: install a surveillance camera
New Problem: thieves steal surveillance camera
I was looking at a magazine the other day and I saw a beautiful picture of a flashy model, who was giving me the gorgeous model stare through the camera lens. And then I scrolled down....
Seriously? Does france have an april fool's day? Crocs? I find those about as sexy as the burger king in a bikini...no thank you.
A quote: "If I gain more than two or three pounds, like I have right now, I’m going to eat vegetables tonight. I don’t ever cut out vodka and tonics. My trick is that if I eat vegetables at night three or four days in a row, I quickly snap back to my ideal weight." --Tom Ford to Prestige magazine.

1. If any designer's making roller saktes- shouldn't it be Heatherette?
2. The new business plan - the one where he refrains from sticking his name and logo on everything in order to re-establish himself as a luxury instead of mass market brand- was introduced less than six months ago. So has it not started yet or did they just ditch the idea?
3. Why don't they come collaged with pictures of Beckham rocking his Armani briefs?
4. Does Giorgio himself roller skate through the streets of Milan? Because I would love to see that.
5. Who, exactly, is the target consumer for this $425 product? I'm dying to know.
5. Who, exactly, is the target consumer for this $425 product? I'm dying to know.
I recently was wandering accross the art section of the Web (and by that I mean just looking through the galleries at various museums) and came accross this one at the National Museum of Modern Art in Tokyo. I was floored, immediately. It's called Women Observing Stars. It was made in 1936 by Chou Ota, a Japanese artist. Not only for the time was it strange for anyone in Japan but a scientist to have access to a telescope, but the presence of a teleschope in such a traditionally-executed piece was remarkable enough; it's an inflitrator. Hard geometric lines clash with soft, flowing figures. But it was the main observer's fixed gaze that drew me in. Hands firmly gripping the mechanism, she seems completely removed from teh rest of the grou, lost in the starts, so to speak. I love it. You should too: 

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