So when I go across the wonderful Internet, searching for various ingredients to add to my daily delectable treats for you, I sometimes come across things that are just so... well I'll leave it up to you to decide what they are. I've collected a few of them to show you. From me to you ;)
You’re proud of your maternal skills.Which is why when baby has a cold, you’ll want the Nosefrida nasal aspirator, a Swedish solution to kiddie congestion. Just hold the red end in your mouth and put the other end on your little one’s sniffly snout. Then, hold on, suction the mucus out. Gross? Kind of. But a filter prevents it from infecting you. Not really that appealing to me. Available online at
Journey to the land at the back of the closet, beyond the feathered boas and flannels, to the box of banished baubles. From high school-era Love pendants to goth spiked cuffs, every piece of jewelry from every ex languishes in a lack of a better home. At the shining new exboyfriend you can put it online and share your story with the world. Here, liberated girlfriends, wives, mistresses, and lovers have a free place to sell, gripe about, and comment on the gilded goods from trysts of old. Each posting asks for the scoop (which should describe the item and relationship), a description of the jewelry, and how the seller rates it. Seller sentiments range from “If it wasn’t weird to wear another man’s God jewelry around your new boyfriend, I’d keep this one” to “You could melt it down and make a cute charm.” Shipping and handling cost extra, but the emotional baggage is free.
I know Louis Vuitton is the king of putting their logo on everything under the sun, but this one takes the gâteau - In honor of White Day in Japan (kind of like Valentine's Day, except you can only give gifts that are white,) Louis Vuitton is offering white fabric roses - with the LV logo printed on a petal. I'm not sure if they're trying to take credit for having designed the roses (pretty sure the shape of these was a no-brainer,) or if they think the logo somehow makes them LV-approved, but I can't imagine anyone foolish enough to part with $39 for each one of these things when white bunny-shaped marshmallows from Kraft are so readily available these days. To me, this makes about as much sense as a double C-monogrammed ice cream cone or D&G fake nails.
The designers of the Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles are def. sci-fi fans. Because they clearly stole the idea from the great (and old) anime series : Ghost in a Shell. Which, ironically, is also about the future and the creation of A.I.

You'll come across a few images and this one just makes me laugh...seriously? Trying to open the market from coke addicted models?

You have to love it when a big corporation (just like the series above) take something from another more "artistic" venue. I'm not saying that Nine-Inch-Nails is poor and starving, but still I hold more respect for the music than I do for the fast food chain...especially when they try and pass it off as "natural" and "free".
original NIN album cover on the left, and McD's on the right.
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