Monday, March 17, 2008

Workout video

As many of you know, I have a weird fascination and an irrational fear of the undead. I had a few extra moments to do a quick search on zombies, to find out when the movie "World War Z" would be coming out (I will tell you what WWZ is in another post. For now it is an awesome book). One of the hits that I had was Linnea Quigley workout. I was curious to see what the scream queen of the 80's had to do with zombies and a workout. So I clicked on the link.

Ladies and gentlemen...I have now been traumatized.

At this very moment, in my mind, I hold a perpetual image of Linnea Quigley in her ineffably rad "horror Workout" video. After a nice *graphic* shower, Linnea does some warm-up stretches and then goes for a run. She encounters some flabby zombies who follow her back to her house, where she leads them in some poolside aerobic routines. Later she unwinds by inviting some friends over for a slumber party and some exercise...all in nightgowns. When something goes bump in the house, her friends begin experiencing an attrition problem.

Much to the disappointment of B-movie fans everywhere, this pinnacle of home fitness instruction has yet to be made available on DVD. The VHS cassette sells for anywhere between 50 and 100 clams online. Or you can watch it here. I warn you though it's not really "work appropriate" (depending on where you work), I suggest you watch this when you know that no one will be able to watch you (that way no one will also never see you attempt some of the moves).

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