Thursday, January 24, 2008

I love thursdays!

Altered signs: Most people don’t notice them but if you stop and take a look, a lot of them are actually really funny. They brighten up even the dreariest day.

Bright tights: Well I’m not a fan of the banana yellow on me, but on other people the color looks great. I’m more into reds and blues

Confused birds: Birds are some of the most curious of all the creatures, provided that they’re not afraid. They can be wonderfully entertaining if you take the time to look at them

Ethereal pictures: I love those pictures that make it seem like the object/person you’re looking at is something out of the world. An unearthly beauty in this case where she looks almost like a doll, or a Norse goddess.

Strong ballet dancers: Ballet is a serious thing. Not only is it one of the most beautiful and expressive forms of dance, it also takes a martial-arts-like mentality. To hold those poses and to control your body's own innate strength in seemingly unnatural positions, just amazes me every time. Look closely at this picture and you’ll see exactly what I mean.

Girls that don’t know how beautiful they really are: My friend Ashley is beautiful. She’s not conventionally beautiful, but I love to look at her. She has very round features that would at first seem sturdy, but actually are rather delicate. I love this picture of her because the detail in the plant shoots behind her give her an almost whimsical ambience. She could easily, in my wild imagination, be stepping out of a fairytale.

Masks: I’m going through a phase where I want a masquerade mask. It’s almost Sinful Tuesday (the beginning of lent) and Mardi Gras (which celebrates Sinful/Fat Tuesday). I’m going to make a mask as soon as I buy the supplies. I promise to post some pictures.

Droplets of water frozen in cool positions: I used to play a lot with water. When I was younger I used to sneak into the kitchen and watch the maids cook the dinner. It used to be a game for me to dip my hand into a bowl of cool water and the throw droplets onto the hot stove pieces to watch the water sizzle and evaporate. I called it dancing water. I used to also try and catch droplets of water that I drizzled into larger bowls. Ahhh, childhood.

I love crazy blogs: this seems like a person you want to take advice from...

My personal office heater: It’s small and it smells kinda musty (not to mention I always feel like it’s about to explode), but my office is freezing. Therefore I love what keeps me warm.

Office supplies: I know it’s going to sound really geeky, but I love looking into the closest of the office and seeing it stacked full of supplies. I don’t even have to take any of them, I just like to look

Cobbler: I often express my affection through sensual means. One of these means of expression is by making sweet things, like cobbler. I’ll share a recipe with you later if you like. Yummmm cobbler!

Sugarflowers: Look at them! I so desperately want to learn how to make them!

My new minis: not necessarily mini-skirts or anything, but rather the mini-posts that I do. I will eventually upgrade them to something better. Perhaps you'll get one later on today

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