Thursday, April 24, 2008

Things I love thursday

<3 The Washington Nationals I know that they aren't the best team, but they're my team, and the first "real" baseball game I ever saw was with them.

<3 Ice Cream I can't help but love the guilty pleasure. I had ice cream yesterday at the baseball game that I went to...and it was delicious. I ate it up so quickly that I left fudge smeared all over my lips...worth every bit though.

<3 Soft Sheets My blankets are warm and inviting. I slipped into them last night and I don't think my head hit to the pillow before I passed out.

<3 Cool mornings It's getting very hot here since summer is on its way, but I love cool, misty mornings. It's not sweltering hot, but its not cold anymore.

<3 Birds Chirping I know lots of people hate the birds in the morning, but I actually don't mind them. They make me happy to listen to them, and prepare me for my day.

<3 Red Cardinals I woke up this morning, got dressed, and walked out to go to work...and I saw this bright red cardinal on a branch. It's the first one I've seen in the area this spring. It was also the first thing that I saw stepping out of my building, and it just made me smile. I've always loved cardinals.

<3 Thinking the best of people I like to think the best of the people around me. Or at least I try to. I know it's a bit naive...but sometimes, it's good to give someone a second look.

<3 People that support They will always find a way to tell me when I'm slacking off, or overreacting in just the right way for me to hear it. <3>

<3 a certain young "snotty", dark and deliciously intelligent gentleman that makes me laugh and feel better. Even when I don't deserve it.

<3 Paper cranes I knew how to do them perfectly ages ago, and then I had to relearn it. I plan on doing something with them'll see.

<3 Video Mania I love videos that make you laugh and just enjoy everything around you. Here are a few. Doki Doki!

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