Thursday, February 7, 2008

Things I love thursday

Cherries: I don’t know why they make me so happy to look at. They are delicious

Genetics: Yes I don’t like squirrels, but I like genetic anomalies. The entire human race is a rush in evolution thanks to someone’s faulty DNA. This is just an example…an albino squirrel.

The moon: The moon makes me happy. It’s calming and influences everything in our world, in some form or another. I especially love bright moons that reflect some color, be it an intense silver, red or orange.

Dandelions: Did you know that all the dandelions in the United States are all genetic clones of each other? Meaning some dandelion in ages past came over to the “new world” and populated the entire ground with genetic photocopies of itself. I think that’s pretty cool. I don’t wish I could do it because I honestly don’t think that there’d be many people out there willing to put up with thousands of me, but still…fascinating.

Ladybugs: you can make wishes on them, and they are also like mini-godzillas to the aphids that they eat. They’re actually pretty vicious to their prey…so unlike their name.
Clouds that look like stuff: this one was taken when one looked JUST like a heart….perfect for the love day coming up.

Food: I like food, and this model is an example of why I like food. I don’t think you can see the picture very well, but I was originally drawn to it because of the colors. Then I started actually looking at her and felt pretty sick. If you look at her ankles…I swear you’re looking at a skeleton. It’s really really gross. Hence this picture reminds me why I love food

Naked Samba dancers: They’re not entirely naked, but man…do they have bodies. I love Samba and Carnival time. The music is great, people are having fun and it’s one big party before the start of a religious time period. The women are gorgeous too.

Bright colors in the ocean: whenever I go snorkeling, I’m always afraid of A. Sharks or B. getting stung/pricked/bitten. Anyway, despite those fears I love the colors that you see in the ocean. Take for example this picture. It just makes me happy to see a fish not being eaten

Mardi Gras Beads: They’re so gaudy, but so much fun. They are a form of reward, and the more you have I guess the more you can be proud of. The tradition actually started with courtesans and their patrons. It was customary to give your “sin” something before “giving it up”. Women were showered with presents for the nightly favors that they provided for men. Not a bad idea

Thunderstorms: there were a couple last night. They were so far away that the thunder didn’t sound at all, but I saw the lightning and it made me happy. It means that warmer days are coming, and that always makes me feel better. Sometimes winter makes me feel, ironically, like I’m in hibernation

Coca Butter: The stuff feels really good. Especially when you’re feeling as tired and as sleep as I am today.

My dog: I’m trying to convince my parents to send her back here.

Books: I haven’t been reading lately, because I’m so caught up most of the time in work. So I’m going to make a vow that since I love books so much, I should back to them. The next book is WWZ

The play agronautika: I know that I mentioned it on the weekend review, but the more I think of it, the more I really really like it. I can’t get some of the lines out of my head, and I keep playing mental repeat on some of the stage props or costumes.

My ipod: yes this was on my list last week too, but I really do.

Energy drinks: boy…sometimes I need them.

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